General Information

Accidents / Illness

Please make sure that the Office has a current contact phone number as in the case of an accident, we need to be able to contact you immediately.  In an emergency the child’s doctor is contacted or the child is taken to the Takaanini Accident and Emergency Clinic or Middlemore Hospital. If children require medication through the school day, please ensure the medicine is handed to the Office Staff, named with clear instructions regarding dosage. Only Office Staff have authorisation to administer medicines.


Whole school assemblies are held each week as shown in our school calendar. Whanau are invited to join us at these assemblies. 


The school website is the best place to look for information and attendance reporting (including reporting an absence).

Breakages and Losses

When damage to school property or equipment is the result of carelessness by students, part or all of the costs for repairs are expected to be met by the child and parents. The loss of school readers and library books are also included in this policy.

Car Park

The car park is for staff parking only. Parents are asked not to drive into the car park to collect or deliver children. The No Parking limits on either side of the school entrance are monitored by Auckland Transport.  Please do not park in residents driveways while waiting for your child.


A newsletter is sent home every Thursday and a copy is displayed in the foyer

Cyber Safety

Children use computers and other devices in the classroom to support their learning.  When you enrol your child you will be asked to sign a Responsible Use Agreement regarding digital devices at school. 

Dental Clinic

The mobile dental clinic is operational for 6 months of every year at Takaanini School. The office can give you a contact number for the other 6 months.

Fruit in School

Every child receives a piece of fruit each day as part of the Fruit in School Programme.

Lost Property

Lost Property is stored in the Library foyer.  Please make sure all of your child's belongings are clearly labelled so they can be returned easily. 

MANAKidz Clinic

We are fortunate enough to have on site a MANAKidz Clinic which offers free checks to protect our children against rheumatic fever and skin conditions. There is a registered nurse on site every day who can check any child who has a sore throat or a skin condition. Medication, if required, is free. A consent form must be signed on enrolment for your child to access this service.

Road Safety

The senior school children have responsibilities as road patrol monitors. Children with bicycles, over the age of 10 years may ride to school. New Zealand safety helmets must be worn. All bikes brought to school are at the owners risk and should be locked during the day in the bike rack.

Safety Programmes/Travelwise

Takaanini School Community is a Travelwise school and works with the Auckland Regional Council developing safe travel plans for all students. Road Sense is taught throughout the year and Rail Safety is constantly emphasised as it is a major concern in the area. 

School Donation

Takaanini School has opted into the school donations scheme, so donations are not collected.

School Uniforms

The school uniform is compulsory and is available for purchase from The Warehouse in Takaanini. Click here for a list.

Smoke Free Environment

Our school is a non-smoking environment – totally smoke free and vape free at all times. Please help us maintain this policy.


Stationery is provided by the school. 

Telephone Calls

Children are permitted to use the telephone to contact home for important matters.


ALL visitors are required to sign when the arrive at the school office, and sign out before they leave the school grounds.